Tuesday, May 12, 2009

NTSE 2009 Theory Exam

Hey all,

Well.. I was pretty busy with my internship while I realized that EasyNTSE (www.easyntse.co.cc) website received 101 page visits in a single day on 11th May, i.e. yesterday. It was quite a surprize for me to see actually so many people visting the website so early despite interviews being in July. Then followed the mails from plenty of you requesting projected cut-offs and overall feedback on the NTSE Level II Theory Exam that took place on 10th May, i.e. last sunday.

Well.. again.. the website was made to help you prepare specifically for the interviews; but since having received requests from so many of you, let EasyNTSE extend the domain a bit through this blog. It's to reduce your own anxiety about exam results, so make a right use of it.

As far the pattern goes it was a straight forward pattern of 100 questions for MAT and SAT to be solved in 1.5 Hrs each. Also heard from some of you that last 10 questions in SAT paper were mixed from all the subjects. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Now, regarding the thing you people are interested in knowing, that is projected cut-offs. Well.. since original NTSE Question papers are not available, it's very difficult to make even an calculated guess. We can still figure them out if we have sufficient feedbacks from you people. So, this is the thread, please reply back as a comment to this post your theory exam experience, how difficult the paper was, how much could you attempt and how many marks do you expect in paper I and paper II. This will be a nice platform to share your exam experiences and performances. In case you don't want to disclose it publically, you can mail it to nonedonesawant@gmail.com with the subject EasyNTSE. We assure you to put up projected cut-offs and other similar details based on statistical analysis as soon as we have sufficient replies.

To end with, even while getting into all this scores, cut-offs, selection business, let me say, enjoy your vacations, you have already spent half of them preparing for Level II.

Also, EasyNTSE website (www.easyntse.co.cc) is under updation for this year's NTSE interviews, lot many interview experiences from last year are being added. Updated EasyNTSE website will be back with a bang very very soon. Let's hope that it'll help for your interviews this year. Let me not forget to add the website has already received over 21000 cumulative page hits since its launch on 2nd July last year.

Keep Visiting. Keep writing to us. It's your feedbacks which keep the site alive. :)

Best of Luck!

Nandan Sawant